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Elliptic rational functions R_n(xi,x) are a special class of rational functions that have nice properties for approximating other functions over the interval x in [-1,1]. In ...
An equichordal point is a point p for which all the chords of a curve C passing through p are of the same length. In other words, p is an equichordal point if, for every ...
A quadrilateral in which a pair of opposite sides have the same length and are inclined at 60 degrees to each other (or equivalently, satisfy <A>+<B>=120 degrees). Some ...
Two metrics g_1 and g_2 defined on a space X are called equivalent if they induce the same metric topology on X. This is the case iff, for every point x_0 of X, every ball ...
The Euler points are the midpoints E_A, E_B, E_C of the segments which join the vertices A, B, and C of a triangle DeltaABC and the orthocenter H. They are three of the nine ...
Exponential growth is the increase in a quantity N according to the law N(t)=N_0e^(lambdat) (1) for a parameter t and constant lambda (the analog of the decay constant), ...
The exterior derivative of a function f is the one-form df=sum_(i)(partialf)/(partialx_i)dx_i (1) written in a coordinate chart (x_1,...,x_n). Thinking of a function as a ...
The sum over all external (square) nodes of the lengths of the paths from the root of an extended binary tree to each node. For example, in the tree above, the external path ...
The extouch triangle DeltaT_1T_2T_3 is the triangle formed by the points of tangency of a triangle DeltaA_1A_2A_3 with its excircles J_1, J_2, and J_3. The points T_1, T_2, ...
A continuous statistical distribution which arises in the testing of whether two observed samples have the same variance. Let chi_m^2 and chi_n^2 be independent variates ...
