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A circle having a given number of lattice points on its circumference. The Schinzel circle having n lattice points is given by the equation {(x-1/2)^2+y^2=1/45^(k-1) for n=2k ...
The Weierstrass zeta function zeta(z;g_2,g_3) is the quasiperiodic function defined by (dzeta(z;g_2,g_3))/(dz)=-P(z;g_2,g_3), (1) where P(z;g_2,g_3) is the Weierstrass ...
There are two problems commonly known as the subset sum problem. The first ("given sum problem") is the problem of finding what subset of a list of integers has a given sum, ...
The Johnson solids are the convex polyhedra having regular faces and equal edge lengths (with the exception of the completely regular Platonic solids, the "semiregular" ...
Bonato et al. (2014, 2015) defined the burning number of a simple graph as follows. Consider a process called burning involving are discrete time steps. Each node is either ...
The (upper) clique number of a graph G, denoted omega(G), is the number of vertices in a maximum clique of G. Equivalently, it is the size of a largest clique or maximal ...
Elder's theorem is a generalization of Stanley's theorem which states that the total number of occurrences of an integer k among all unordered partitions of n is equal to the ...
Consider the process of taking a number, multiplying its digits, then multiplying the digits of numbers derived from it, etc., until the remaining number has only one digit. ...
Scan the decimal expansion of a constant (including any digits to the left of the decimal point) until all n-digit strings have been seen (including 0-padded strings). The ...
A map projection. The inverse equations for phi are computed by iteration. Let the angle of the projection plane be theta_b. Define a={0 for theta_b=1/2pi; ...
