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In the above figure, let E be the intersection of AD and BC and specify that AB∥EF∥CD. Then 1/(AB)+1/(CD)=1/(EF). A beautiful related theorem due to H. Stengel can be stated ...
A number of points on a line segment. The term was first used by Desargues (Cremona 1960, p. x). If the points A, B, C, ... lie on a line segment with the coordinates of the ...
For triangles in the plane, AD·BE·CF=BD·CE·AF. (1) For spherical triangles, sinAD·sinBE·sinCF=sinBD·sinCE·sinAF. (2) This can be generalized to n-gons P=[V_1,...,V_n], where ...
For a cyclic quadrilateral, the sum of the products of the two pairs of opposite sides equals the product of the diagonals AB×CD+BC×DA=AC×BD (1) (Kimberling 1998, p. 223). ...
For a general quadrilateral with sides of length a, b, c, and d, the area K is given by (1) where s=1/2(a+b+c+d) (2) is the semiperimeter, A is the angle between a and d, and ...
If A, B, and C are three points on one line, D, E, and F are three points on another line, and AE meets BD at X, AF meets CD at Y, and BF meets CE at Z, then the three points ...
A bicentric quadrilateral, also called a cyclic-inscriptable quadrilateral, is a four-sided bicentric polygon. The inradius r, circumradius R, and offset x are connected by ...
A binary bracketing is a bracketing built up entirely of binary operations. The number of binary bracketings of n letters (Catalan's problem) are given by the Catalan numbers ...
Given a chord PQ of a circle, draw any other two chords AB and CD passing through its midpoint. Call the points where AD and BC meet PQ X and Y. Then M is also the midpoint ...
If a plane cuts the sides AB, BC, CD, and DA of a skew quadrilateral ABCD in points P, Q, R, and S, then (AP)/(PB)·(BQ)/(QC)·(CR)/(RD)·(DS)/(SA)=1 both in magnitude and sign ...
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