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If f:D->Y is a map (a.k.a. function, transformation, etc.) over a domain D, then the range of f, also called the image of D under f, is defined as the set of all values that ...
The term "range" has two completely different meanings in statistics. Given order statistics Y_1=min_(j)X_j, Y_2, ..., Y_(N-1), Y_N=max_(j)X_j, the range of the random sample ...
If the cross ratio kappa of {AB,CD} satisfy kappa^2-kappa+1=0, (1) then the points are said to form a bivalent range, and {AB,CD}={AC,DB}={AD,BC}=kappa (2) ...
Divide a set of data into two groups (high and low) of equal size at the statistical median if there is an even number of data points, or two groups consisting of points on ...
Let a straight line AB be divided internally at C and externally at D in the same ratio, so that (AC)/(CB)=-(AD)/(DB). Then AB is said to be divided harmonically at C and D ...
A number of points on a line segment. The term was first used by Desargues (Cremona 1960, p. x). If the points A, B, C, ... lie on a line segment with the coordinates of the ...
Intuitively, a d-dimensional discrete percolation model is said to be long-range if direct flow is possible between pairs of graph vertices or graph edges which are "very ...
A set within which the values of a function lie (as opposed to the range, which is the set of values that the function actually takes).
The term domain has (at least) three different meanings in mathematics. The term domain is most commonly used to describe the set of values D for which a function (map, ...
A function f which may (but does not necessarily) associate a given member of the range of f with more than one member of the domain of f. For example, trigonometric ...
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