
Triangular Honeycomb Bishop Graph


The n-triangular honeycomb bishop graph B_n (DeMaio and Tran 2013), called the hex bishop graph and denoted HB_n by Wagon (2014), is a graph consisting of vertices on a triangular honeycomb board with n vertices along each side, where vertices are connected by an edge if they lie on the same +60 degrees or -60 degrees diagonal line of the chessboard (DeMaio and Tran 2013, Wagon 2014). The graphs for n=3 and 4 are illustrated above.

Note the moves considered in this definition differ from those allowed by the bishop piece in Gliński's hexagonal chess (Gliński 1973).

Rather surprisingly, the n-triangular honeycomb bishop graph is isomorphic to the n×(n+1) black bishop graph (Wagon 2014). Other special cases are summarized in the following table.

nisomorphic graph
1singleton graph K_1
2path graph P_3
3cis-square with two triangles

The n-triangular honeycomb bishop graph has vertex count and edge count given by

V_n=(n+1; 2)

where (n; k) is a binomial coefficient.

Triangular honeycomb bishop graphs are black bishops, class 1, claw-free, connected, line, nongeometric, perfect, quadratically embeddable, traceable, and weakly perfect.

Triangular honeycomb bishop graphs are implemented in the Wolfram Language as GraphData[{"TriangularHoneycombBishop", n}].

See also

Bishop Graph, Black Bishop Graph, Triangular Grid Graph, Triangular Honeycomb Board

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DeMaio, H. and Tran, L. "Domination and Independence on a Triangular Honeycomb Chessboard." College Math. J. 44, 307-314, 2013.Gliński, W. Rules of Hexagonal Chess With Examples of First Openings. London: Hexagonal Chess Publications, 1973.Wagon, S. "Graph Theory Problems from Hexagonal and Traditional Chess." College Math. J. 45, 278-287, 2014.

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Weisstein, Eric W. "Triangular Honeycomb Bishop Graph." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

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