which form the Sheffer
sequence for
and have generating function
The are given in terms of the hypergeometric
series by
is the Pochhammer symbol (Koepf 1998, p. 115).
The first few are
Koekoek and Swarttouw (1998) defined the Meixner polynomials without the Pochhammer
symbol as
The Krawtchouk polynomials are a special
case of the Meixner polynomials of the first kind.
See also
Krawtchouk Polynomial,
Meixner Polynomial of the Second
Sheffer Sequence
Explore with Wolfram|Alpha
Chihara, T. S. An Introduction to Orthogonal Polynomials. New York: Gordon and Breach, p. 175,
1978.Erdélyi, A.; Magnus, W.; Oberhettinger, F.; and Tricomi,
F. G. Higher
Transcendental Functions, Vol. 2. New York: Krieger, pp. 224-225,
1981.Koekoek, R. and Swarttouw, R. F. "Meixner." §1.9
in The Askey-Scheme of Hypergeometric Orthogonal Polynomials and its
Delft, Netherlands: Technische Universiteit Delft, Faculty of Technical Mathematics
and Informatics Report 98-17, pp. 45-46, 1998.Koepf, W. Hypergeometric
Summation: An Algorithmic Approach to Summation and Special Function Identities.
Braunschweig, Germany: Vieweg, p. 115, 1998.Roman, S. The
Umbral Calculus. New York: Academic Press, 1984.Szegö,
G. Orthogonal
Polynomials, 4th ed. Providence, RI: Amer. Math. Soc., p. 35, 1975.Referenced
on Wolfram|Alpha
Meixner Polynomial of
the First Kind
Cite this as:
Weisstein, Eric W. "Meixner Polynomial of the First Kind." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.
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