The invertible matrix theorem is a theorem in linear algebra which gives a series of equivalent conditions for an square matrix
to have an inverse. In particular,
is invertible if and only if
any (and hence, all) of the following hold:
is row-equivalent to the
identity matrix
pivot positions.
3. The equation has only the trivial solution
4. The columns of form a linearly independent
5. The linear transformation is one-to-one.
6. For each column vector , the equation
has a unique solution.
7. The columns of span
8. The linear transformation is a surjection.
9. There is an matrix
such that
10. There is an matrix
such that
11. The transpose matrix is invertible.
12. The columns of form a basis for
13. The column space of is equal to
14. The dimension of the column space of is
15. The rank of is
16. The null space of is
17. The dimension of the null space of is 0.
fails to be an eigenvalue of
19. The determinant of is not zero.
20. The orthogonal complement of the column space of
21. The orthogonal complement of the null space of is
22. The row space of is
23. The matrix has
non-zero singular values.