

An illusion is an object or drawing which appears to have properties which are physically impossible, deceptive, or counterintuitive. Kitaoka maintains a web page of beautiful optical illusions which appear to show rotation despite actually being stationary.

See also

Benham's Wheel, Bullseye Illusion, Café Wall Illusion, Freemish Crate, Goblet Illusion, Hermann Grid Illusion, Hermann-Hering Illusion, Impossible Figure, Irradiation Illusion, Kanizsa Triangle, Müller-Lyer Illusion, Necker Cube, Orbison's Illusion, Parallelogram Illusion, Penrose Stairway, Penrose Triangle, Poggendorff Illusion, Ponzo's Illusion, Rabbit-Duck Illusion, Scintillating Grid Illusion, Tribox, Vertical-Horizontal Illusion, Young Girl-Old Woman Illusion, Zöllner's Illusion

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Ausbourne, B. "Illusion.", B. Optical Illusions. New York: Taschen, 1996.Fineman, M. The Nature of Visual Illusion. New York: Dover, 1996.Gardner, M. "Optical Illusions." Ch. 1 in Mathematical Circus: More Puzzles, Games, Paradoxes and Other Mathematical Entertainments from Scientific American. New York: Knopf, pp. 3-15, 1979.Gregory, R. L. Eye and Brain, 5th ed. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1997.Update a linkIllusion Works. "Interactive Optical Illusions." "Illusions." "Illusions: Central Station." Jablan, S. "Modularity in Art.", A. "The Latest Works.", D. "Gallery of Illusions.", M. Visual Illusions: Their Causes, Characteristics, and Applications. New York: Dover, 1965.Pappas, T. "History of Optical Illusions." The Joy of Mathematics. San Carlos, CA: Wide World Publ./Tetra, pp. 172-173, 1989.Robinson, J. O. The Psychology of Visual Illusion. New York: Dover, 1998.Seckel, A. The Art of Optical Illusions. Carlton Books, 2002.Seckel, A. More Optical Illusions. Carlton Books, 2002.Tolansky, S. Optical Illusions. New York: Pergamon Press, 1964.

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Weisstein, Eric W. "Illusion." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

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