
Cyclic Chromatic Number

A cyclic coloring of a planar embedding is a vertex coloring such that vertices incident with the same face have distinct colors. The minimum number of colors in a cyclic coloring of a graph is called the cyclic chromatic number of the graph, variously denoted chi_c (Plummer and Toft 1987, Zlámalová 2010) or chi^c (Borodin et al. 2007).

Sanders and Zhao (2001) proved that


where Delta^* is the maximum face degree of a graph. The notation rho^* is sometimes used in place of Delta^* (e.g., Plummer and Toft 1987), as is q (e.g., Tilley et al. 2024). The cyclic coloring conjecture states is an important extension of the four-color theorem which states that


(Borodin 1984, Plummer and Toft 1987, Tilley et al. 2024). The conjecture becomes a theorem in the case of a facially complete planar embedding (Chen et al. 1998, Tilley et al. 2024).

It is conjectured that chi_c<=q+2 for polyhedral graphs (Plummer and Toft 1987, Horňák and Zlámalová 2010). The numbers of polyhedral graphs on n=1, 2, ... in for which chi_c=q+2 are given by 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 3, 18, 129, ... (E. Weisstein, Sep.3, 2024). These include stacked 3-prism graphs. Two additional infinite families of such graphs were noted by Plummer and Toft (1987), the first of which are known in this work as Plummer-Toft graphs.

See also

Chromatic Number, Planar Embedding, Plummer-Toft Graph

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Borodin, O. V. "Solution of the Ringel Problem on Vertex-Face Coloring of Planar Graphs and Coloring of 1-Planar Graphs." Metody Diskret. Analiz. 41, 12-26, 1984.Borodin, O. V.; Sanders, D.; and Zhao, Y. "On Cyclic Colorings and Their Generalizations." Disc. Math. 203, 23-40, 1999.Borodin, O. V.; Broersma, H. J.; Glebov, A.; and van den Heuvel, J. "A New Upper Bound on the Cyclic Chromatic Number." J. Graph Th. 54, 58-72, 2007.Chen, Z.; Grigni, M.; and Papadimitiou, C. "Planar Map Graphs." In Proc. 30th Symposium on Theory Computing, pp. 514-523, 1998.Enomoto, H.; Horňák, M.; and Jendrol', S. "Cyclic Chromatic Number of 3-Connected Plane Graphs." SIAM J. Disc. Math. 14, 121-137, 2001.Horňák, M. and Zlámalová, J. "Another Step Towards Proving a Conjecture by Plummer and Toft." Disc. Math. 310, 442-452, 2010.Jensen, T. R. and Toft, B. Graph Coloring Problems. New York: Wiley, 1995.Ore, O. and Plummer, M. D. "Cyclic Coloration of Plane Graphs." In Recent Progress in Combinatorics, Proceedings of the Third Waterloo Conference on Combinatorics. San Diego, CA: Academic Press, pp. 287-293, 1969.Plummer, M. D. and Toft, B. "Cyclic Coloration of 3-Polytopes." J. Graph Th. 11, 507-515, 1987.Sanders, D. P. "A New Bound on the Cyclic Chromatic Number." J. Combin. Th., Ser. B 83, 102-111, 2001.Sanders, D. P. and Zhao, Y. "A New Bound on the Cyclic Chromatic Number." J. Combin. Th., Ser. B 83, 102-111, 2001.Tilley, J.; Wagon, S.; and Weisstein, E. "A Catalog of Facially Complete Graphs." 17 Sep 2024.ámalová, J. "A Note on Cyclic Chromatic Number." Discuss. Math. Graph Th. 30, 115-122, 2010.

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Weisstein, Eric W. "Cyclic Chromatic Number." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

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