The cuban primes, named after differences between successive cubic numbers, have the form .
The first few are 7, 19, 37, 61, 127, 271, ... (OEIS A002407),
which are also the prime hex numbers. They correspond
to indices
3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 24, 25, ... (OEIS A002504;
Cunningham 1912).
The numbers of cuban primes less than 1, 10, , ... are 0, 1, 4, 11, 28, 64, 173, 438, 1200, ... (OEIS
A113478), which is well-approximated by
Cuban primes are cyclotomic in nature, being the evaluation of the third homogeneous cyclotomic polynomial, , at values
. The form therefore can only have primitive factors of the
. Also, by construction, 2 and 3 are
excluded as non-primitive factors. Therefore, this form has a slightly higher density
than would arbitrary numbers of the same size (P. Carmody, pers. comm., Jan. 8,