Codimension is a term used in a number of algebraic and geometric contexts to indicate the difference between the dimension of certain objects
and the dimension of a smaller object contained in
it. This rough definition applies to vector spaces
(the codimension of the subspace in
) and to topological spaces
(with respect to the Euclidean topology and the Zariski
topology, the codimension of a sphere in
The first example is a particular case of the formula
which gives the codimension of a subspace of a finite-dimensional abstract
vector space
The second example has an algebraic counterpart in ring theory. A sphere in the three-dimensional
real Euclidean space is defined by the following
equation in Cartesian coordinates
where the point
is the center and
is the radius. The Krull dimension of the polynomial
is 3, the Krull dimension of the quotient
is 2, and the difference
is also called the codimension of the ideal
According to Krull's principal ideal theorem, its height is also equal to 1. On the other
hand, it can be shown that for every proper ideal in a polynomial
ring over a field,
. This is a consequence of the fact that these
rings are all Cohen-Macaulay rings. In a ring
not fulfilling this assumption, only the inequality
is true in general.