A quotient ring (also called a residue-class ring) is a ring that is the quotient of a ring and one of its ideals
, denoted
. For example, when the ring
(the integers) and the ideal is
(multiples of 6), the quotient ring
In general, a quotient ring is a set of equivalence classes where iff
The quotient ring is an integral domain iff the ideal is prime. A stronger condition
occurs when the quotient ring is a field, which corresponds
to when the ideal
is maximal.
The ideals in a quotient ring are in a one-to-one
correspondence with ideals in
which contain the ideal
. In particular, the zero ideal in
corresponds to
. In the example above from the integers, the ideal of even
integers contains the ideal of the multiples of 6. In the quotient ring, the evens
correspond to the ideal