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There are several related series that are known as the binomial series. The most general is (x+a)^nu=sum_(k=0)^infty(nu; k)x^ka^(nu-k), (1) where (nu; k) is a binomial ...
"Casting out nines" is an elementary check of a multiplication which makes use of the congruence 10^n=1 (mod 9). Let decimal numbers be written a=a_n...a_2a_1a_0, ...
Chebyshev-Gauss quadrature, also called Chebyshev quadrature, is a Gaussian quadrature over the interval [-1,1] with weighting function W(x)=(1-x^2)^(-1/2) (Abramowitz and ...
The circle map is a one-dimensional map which maps a circle onto itself theta_(n+1)=theta_n+Omega-K/(2pi)sin(2pitheta_n), (1) where theta_(n+1) is computed mod 1 and K is a ...
Find a square number x^2 such that, when a given integer h is added or subtracted, new square numbers are obtained so that x^2+h=a^2 (1) and x^2-h=b^2. (2) This problem was ...
The curlicue fractal is a figure obtained by the following procedure. Let s be an irrational number. Begin with a line segment of unit length, which makes an angle phi_0=0 to ...
Lehmer (1938) showed that every positive irrational number x has a unique infinite continued cotangent representation of the form x=cot[sum_(k=0)^infty(-1)^kcot^(-1)b_k], (1) ...
The lower independence number i(G) of a graph G is the minimum size of a maximal independent vertex set in G. The lower indepedence number is equiavlent to the "independent ...
The Markov numbers m are the union of the solutions (x,y,z) to the Markov equation x^2+y^2+z^2=3xyz, (1) and are related to Lagrange numbers L_n by L_n=sqrt(9-4/(m^2)). (2) ...
The minimum spanning tree of a weighted graph is a set of edges of minimum total weight which form a spanning tree of the graph. When a graph is unweighted, any spanning tree ...
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