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In continuum percolation theory, the so-called germ-grain model is an obvious generalization of both the Boolean and Boolean-Poisson models which is driven by an arbitrary ...
Given a commutative ring R, an R-algebra H is a Hopf algebra if it has additional structure given by R-algebra homomorphisms Delta:H->H tensor _RH (1) (comultiplication) and ...
A hyper-Kähler manifold can be defined as a Riemannian manifold of dimension 4n with three covariantly constant orthogonal automorphisms I, J, K of the tangent bundle which ...
The Knuth-Bendix completion algorithm attempts to transform a finite set of identities into a finitely terminating, confluent term rewriting system whose reductions preserve ...
Let L=<L, v , ^ > and K=<K, v , ^ > be lattices, and let h:L->K. Then h is a lattice homomorphism if and only if for any a,b in L, h(a v b)=h(a) v h(b) and h(a ^ b)=h(a) ^ ...
An unsolved problem in mathematics attributed to Lehmer (1933) that concerns the minimum Mahler measure M_1(P) for a univariate polynomial P(x) that is not a product of ...
The Meijer G-function is a very general function which reduces to simpler special functions in many common cases. The Meijer G-function is defined by (1) where Gamma(s) is ...
A Diophantine problem (i.e., one whose solution must be given in terms of integers) which seeks a solution to the following problem. Given n men and a pile of coconuts, each ...
The Motzkin numbers enumerate various combinatorial objects. Donaghey and Shapiro (1977) give 14 different manifestations of these numbers. In particular, they give the ...
The pentagonal icositetrahedral graph is the Archimedean dual graph which is the skeleton of the pentagonal icositetrahedron. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
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