Given a commutative ring , an R-algebra
is a Hopf algebra if it has additional structure given by
-algebra homomorphisms
(comultiplication) and
(counit) and an R-module homomorphism
(antipode) that satisfy the properties
1. Coassociativity:
2. Counitarity:
3. Antipode property:
is the identity map on
is the multiplication
, and
is the
-algebra structure map for
, also called the unit map.
Faà di Bruno's formula can be cast in a framework that is a special case of a Hopf algebra (Figueroa and Gracia-Bondía 2005).
Coassociativity means that the above diagram commutes, meaning if the arrows were reversed and
were exchanged for
a diagram illustrating the associativity of the multiplication within
would be obtained. And since
embeds the ground ring
, the counit maps
. The counitarity property is similarly the dual of that satisfied
. With
, an algebra becomes a bialgebra, but it is the addition
of the antipode that makes
a Hopf algebra. The antipode should be thought of as an inverse
similar to that which exists within
a group, and the antipode is an anti-homomorphism at the level of algebras and co-algebras,
meaning that
| |||
where ,
which is called the switch map. Moreover, as with the inverse operation in a group,
in many cases, the antipode is an involution.
The prototypical examples of Hopf algebras are group rings, where
is a finite group and
is a Hopf algebra via
| |||
| |||
for and extend by linearity to all
For general Hopf algebras, the comultiplication is given in Sweedler notation. That is, if
which allows by coassociativity
| |||
to be unambiguously written.
Hopf algebras can be categorized into different types by dualizing the distinctions one makes between algebras. For example, if is commutative, this is equivalent to saying that
satisfies the property that
is the switch map mentioned above. Likewise, a Hopf algebra
is said to be cocommutative if
, that is, if the above diagram commutes.
Moreover, commutativity and cocommutativity are independent properties, and so Hopf
algebras can be considered that satisfy one or the other, or both, or neither properties.
Additionally, just as the linear dual of an algebra is an algebra, the dual of a Hopf algebra
is also a Hopf algebra, where the algebra structure of
becomes the coalgebra structure of
, and vice-versa, and the antipode for
translates into an antipode for
in a canonical fashion.