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An estimator of the actual values of population.
The point group C_1 is a group on a single element that is isomorphic to the trivial group. Its character table is given below. C_1 1 1 1
A point group is a group of symmetry operations which all leave at least one point unmoved. Although an isolated object may have an arbitrary Schönflies symbol, the ...
A point lattice is a regularly spaced array of points. In the plane, point lattices can be constructed having unit cells in the shape of a square, rectangle, hexagon, etc. ...
In finding the average area A^__R of a triangle chosen from a closed, bounded, convex region R of the plane, then A^__(T(R))=A^__R, for T any nonsingular affine ...
The portion of the probability distribution which has a P-value equal to the observed P-value.
A point process is a probabilistic model for random scatterings of points on some space X often assumed to be a subset of R^d for some d. Oftentimes, point processes describe ...
P is the point on the line AB such that PA^_/PB^_=1. It can also be thought of as the point of intersection of two parallel lines. In 1639, Desargues (1864) became the first ...
If (X,x) and (Y,y) are pointed spaces, a pointed map is a continuous map F:X->Y with the additional requirement that F(x)=y.
A pointed space is a topological space X together with a choice of a basepoint x in X. The notation for a pointed space is (X,x). Maps between two pointed spaces must take ...
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