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The letter O is used for a number of different purposes in mathematics. The double-struck O is sometimes used to represent octonions. The symbols O(x) (sometimes called the ...
The O'Nan group is the sporadic group O'N of order |O'N| = 460815505920 (1) = 2^9·3^4·5·7^3·11·19·31. (2) It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ONanGroupON[].
A connective in logic which yields true if any one of a sequence conditions is true, and false if all conditions are false. In formal logic, the term disjunction (or, more ...
By way of analogy with the eban numbers, oban numbers are defined as numbers whose English names do not contain the letter "o" (i.e., "o" is banned). Note that this ...
An obelisk is a stone pillar erected as a monument that usually consists of a pyramid atop a tall square (or sometimes rectangular base). The elongated square pyramid can ...
The symbol ÷ used to indicate division. In typography, an obelus has a more general definition as any symbol, such as the dagger (|), used to indicate a footnote (Bringhurst ...
A mathematical structure (e.g., a group, vector space, or smooth manifold) in a category.
A "squashed" spheroid for which the equatorial radius a is greater than the polar radius c, so a>c (called an oblate ellipsoid by Tietze 1965, p. 27). An oblate spheroid is a ...
The geodesic on an oblate spheroid can be computed analytically, although the resulting expression is much more unwieldy than for a simple sphere. A spheroid with equatorial ...
A system of curvilinear coordinates in which two sets of coordinate surfaces are obtained by revolving the curves of the elliptic cylindrical coordinates about the y-axis ...
