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A notation is a set of well-defined rules for representing quantities and operations with symbols.
In the American system, 10^(60).
A nowhere-neat dissection is a dissection of an area into polygons such that no two polygons have a side in common. A nowhere-neat dissection in which squares of the same ...
A set X is said to be nowhere dense if the interior of the set closure of X is the empty set. For example, the Cantor set is nowhere dense. There exist nowhere dense sets of ...
nu(x) = int_0^infty(x^tdt)/(Gamma(t+1)) (1) nu(x,alpha) = int_0^infty(x^(alpha+t)dt)/(Gamma(alpha+t+1)), (2) where Gamma(z) is the gamma function (Erdélyi et al. 1981, p. ...
Let G be a simple graph with nonsingular (0,1) adjacency matrix A. If all the diagonal entries of the matrix inverse A^(-1) are zero and all the off-diagonal entries of ...
A continuous map f:X->Y between topological spaces is said to be null-homotopic if it is homotopic to a constant map. If a space X has the property that id_X, the identity ...
A null function delta^0(x) satisfies int_a^bdelta^0(x)dx=0 (1) for all a,b, so int_(-infty)^infty|delta^0(x)|dx=0. (2) Like a delta function, they satisfy delta^0(x)={0 x!=0; ...
The term "null graph" is used both to refer to any empty graph and to the empty graph on 0 nodes. Because of the conflicting usage, it is probably best to avoid use of the ...
A null hypothesis is a statistical hypothesis that is tested for possible rejection under the assumption that it is true (usually that observations are the result of chance). ...
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