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"Much greater" is used to indicate a strong inequality in which a is not only greater than b, but much greater (by some convention), is denoted a>>b. For an astronomer, ...
A strong inequality in which a is not only less than b, but much less (by some convention) is denoted a<<b.
An optical illusion in which the orientation of arrowheads makes one line segment look longer than another. In the above figure, the line segments on the left and right are ...
A Münchhausen number (sometimes spelled Münchausen number, with a single 'h') is a number equal to the sum of its digits raised to each digit's power. Münchhausen numbers ...
A Müntz space is a technically defined space M(Lambda)=span{x^(lambda_0),x^(lambda_1),...} which arises in the study of function approximations.
Müntz's theorem is a generalization of the Weierstrass approximation theorem, which states that any continuous function on a closed and bounded interval can be uniformly ...
A necessary and sufficient condition that [alpha^'] should be comparable with [alpha] for all positive values of the a is that one of (alpha^') and (alpha) should be ...
Generalizes the secant method of root finding by using quadratic 3-point interpolation q=(x_n-x_(n-1))/(x_(n-1)-x_(n-2)). (1) Then define A = ...
Symbols used to identify irreducible representations of groups: A= singly degenerate state which is symmetric with respect to rotation about the principal C_n axis, B= singly ...
Multi-index notation is used to shorten expressions that contain many indices. Let x in R^n and write x=(x_1,...,x_n). A multi-index alpha is an n-tuple of integers alpha_j ...
