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The Hall-Janko near octagon, also known as the Cohen-Tits near octagon, is a weakly regular graph on 315 vertices with parameters (n,k,lambda,mu)=(315,(10),(1),(0,1)). It is ...
Let n be an integer such that n>=lambda_1, where lambda=(lambda_1,lambda_2,...) is a partition of n=|lambda| if lambda_1>=lambda_2>=...>=0, where lambda_i are a sequence of ...
The Hall-Montgomery constant is related to the multiplicative spectrum of completely multiplicative functions and has closed form delta_0 = ...
The Hall graph is a distance-transitive graph on 65 vertices having intersection array {10,6,4,1;1,2,5} (Hall 1980). It is denoted Gamma^((3)) by Hall (1980) and was ...
A root-finding algorithm which makes use of a third-order Taylor series f(x)=f(x_n)+f^'(x_n)(x-x_n)+1/2f^('')(x_n)(x-x_n)^2+.... (1) A root of f(x) satisfies f(x)=0, so 0 ...
A root-finding algorithm also known as the tangent hyperbolas method or Halley's rational formula. As in Halley's irrational formula, take the second-order Taylor series ...
Given a set A, let N(A) be the set of neighbors of A. Then the bipartite graph G with bipartitions X and Y has a perfect matching iff |N(A)|>=|A| for all subsets A of X.
There exists a system of distinct representatives for a family of sets S_1, S_2, ..., S_m iff the union of any k of these sets contains at least k elements for all k from 1 ...
The second-order ordinary differential equation (1+x^2)^2y^('')+lambday=0 (Hille 1969, p. 357; Zwillinger 1997, p. 122).
A curve and its polar reciprocal with regard to the fixed conic have the same Halphen transformation.
