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The Hadwiger number of a graph G, variously denoted eta(G) (Zelinka 1976, Ivančo 1988) or h(G) (Stiebitz 1990), is the number of vertices in the largest complete minor of G ...
What is the largest number of subcubes (not necessarily different) into which a cube cannot be divided by plane cuts? The answer is 47 (Gardner 1992, pp. 297-298). The ...
The vectors +/-a_1, ..., +/-a_n in a three-space form a normalized eutactic star iff Tx=x for all x in the three-space.
The Haferman carpet is the beautiful fractal constructed using string rewriting beginning with a cell [1] and iterating the rules {0->[1 1 1; 1 1 1; 1 1 1],1->[0 1 0; 1 0 1; ...
Given two randomly chosen n×n integer matrices, what is the probability D(n) that the corresponding determinants are relatively prime? Hafner et al. (1993) showed that ...
A linear functional defined on a subspace of a vector space V and which is dominated by a sublinear function defined on V has a linear extension which is also dominated by ...
The orthogonal polynomials defined by h_n^((alpha,beta))(x,N)=((-1)^n(N-x-n)_n(beta+x+1)_n)/(n!) ×_3F_2(-n,-x,alpha+N-x; N-x-n,-beta-x-n;1) =((-1)^n(N-n)_n(beta+1)_n)/(n!) ...
Sequences of integers generated in the Collatz problem. For example, for a starting number of 7, the sequence is 7, 22, 11, 34, 17, 52, 26, 13, 40, 20, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1, ...
There does not exist an everywhere nonzero tangent vector field on the 2-sphere S^2. This implies that somewhere on the surface of the Earth, there is a point with zero ...
Every graph with n vertices and maximum vertex degree Delta(G)<=k is (k+1)-colorable with all color classes of size |_n/(k+1)_| or [n/(k+1)], where |_x_| is the floor ...
