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If P is a pedal point inside a triangle DeltaABC, and P_A, P_B, and P_C are the feet of the perpendiculars from P upon the respective sides BC, CA, and AB, then ...
The Diophantine equation sum_(j=1)^(m-1)j^n=m^n. Erdős conjectured that there is no solution to this equation other than the trivial solution 1^1+2^1=3^1, although this ...
The Erdős-Selfridge function g(k) is defined as the least integer bigger than k+1 such that the least prime factor of (g(k); k) exceeds k, where (n; k) is the binomial ...
A generalization of Turán's theorem to non-complete graphs.
A conjecture due to Paul Erdős and E. G. Straus that the Diophantine equation 4/n=1/a+1/b+1/c involving Egyptian fractions always can be solved (Obláth 1950, Rosati 1954, ...
Suppose a,b in N, n=ab+1, and x_1, ..., x_n is a sequence of n real numbers. Then this sequence contains a monotonic increasing (decreasing) subsequence of a+1 terms or a ...
Erdős offered a $3000 prize for a proof of the proposition that "If the sum of reciprocals of a set of integers diverges, then that set contains arbitrarily long arithmetic ...
There exists an absolute constant C such that for any positive integer m, the discrepancy of any sequence {alpha_n} satisfies ...
For any integers a_i with 1<=a_1<a_2<...<a_k<=n, the proportion of permutations in the symmetric group S_n whose cyclic decompositions contain no cycles of lengths a_1, a_2, ...
The Erdős number is the number of "hops" needed to connect the author of a paper with the prolific late mathematician Paul Erdős. An author's Erdős number is 1 if he has ...
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