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A flat disk that acts as a two-sided die.
After a half rotation of the coin on the left around the central coin (of the same radius), the coin undergoes a complete rotation. In other words, a coin makes two complete ...
Let there be n>=2 integers 0<a_1<...<a_n with GCD(a_1,a_2,...,a_n)=1. The values a_i represent the denominations of n different coins, where these denominations have greatest ...
An idealized coin consists of a circular disk of zero thickness which, when thrown in the air and allowed to fall, will rest with either side face up ("heads" H or "tails" T) ...
A coincidence is a surprising concurrence of events, perceived as meaningfully related, with no apparent causal connection (Diaconis and Mosteller 1989). Given a large number ...
Two lines or plane congruent geometric figures which lie on top of each other are said to be coincident.
Two lines that lie on top of one another are called coincident lines.
An abbreviation for the cokernel.
An abbreviation for the cokernel.
The cokernel of a group homomorphism f:A-->B of Abelian groups (modules, or abstract vector spaces) is the quotient group (quotient module or quotient space, respectively) ...
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