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A C^*-algebra is a Banach algebra with an antiautomorphic involution * which satisfies (x^*)^* = x (1) x^*y^* = (yx)^* (2) x^*+y^* = (x+y)^* (3) (cx)^* = c^_x^*, (4) where ...
A representation of a C^*-algebra A is a pair (H,phi) where H is a Hilbert space and phi:A->B(H) is a *-homomorphism. (H,phi) is said to be faithful if phi is injective. For ...
The Riemann sphere C^*=C union {infty}, also called the extended complex plane. The notation C^^ is sometimes also used (Krantz 1999, p. 82). The notation C^* is also used to ...
A function with k continuous derivatives is called a C^k function. In order to specify a C^k function on a domain X, the notation C^k(X) is used. The most common C^k space is ...
The field of complex numbers, denoted C.
Given a group G, the algebra CG is a vector space CG={suma_ig_i|a_i in C,g_i in G} of finite sums of elements of G, with multiplication defined by g·h=gh, the group ...
If X is any space, then there is a CW-complex Y and a map f:Y->X inducing isomorphisms on all homotopy, homology, and cohomology groups.
A CW-complex is a homotopy-theoretic generalization of the notion of a simplicial complex. A CW-complex is any space X which can be built by starting off with a discrete ...
Let K_1 be a torus knot. Then the satellite knot with companion knot K_2 is a cable knot on K_2.
The nth cabtaxi number is the smallest positive number that can be written in n ways as a sum of two (not necessarily positive) cubes. The name derived from the taxicab ...