A function with continuous derivatives
is called a
function. In order to specify a
function on a domain
, the notation
is used. The most common
space is
, the space of continuous
functions, whereas
is the space of continuously differentiable
functions. Cartan (1977, p. 327) writes humorously that "by 'differentiable,'
we mean of class
being as large as necessary."
Of course, any smooth function is , and when
, then any
function is
. It is natural to think of a
function as being a little bit rough, but the graph of a
function "looks" smooth.

Examples of
functions are
even) and
which do not have a
derivative at 0.
The notion of
function may be restricted to those whose first
derivatives are bounded functions.
The reason for this restriction is that the set of
functions has a norm which makes
it a Banach space,