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The totient function phi(n), also called Euler's totient function, is defined as the number of positive integers <=n that are relatively prime to (i.e., do not contain any ...
The summatory function Phi(n) of the totient function phi(n) is defined by Phi(n) = sum_(k=1)^(n)phi(k) (1) = sum_(m=1)^(n)msum_(d|m)(mu(d))/d (2) = ...
N_phi(m) is the number of integers n for which the totient function phi(n)=m, also called the multiplicity of m (Guy 1994). Erdős (1958) proved that if a multiplicity occurs ...
B_(p+k)=B_k+B_(k+1) (mod p), when p is prime and B_n is a Bell number.
A sequence of moves (i.e., a path) on a chessboard by a chess piece in which each square of a chessboard is visited exactly once.
A complete oriented graph (Skiena 1990, p. 175), i.e., a graph in which every pair of nodes is connected by a single uniquely directed edge. The first and second 3-node ...
A matrix for a round-robin tournament involving n players competing in n(n-1)/2 matches (no ties allowed) having entries a_(ij)={1 if player i defeats player j; -1 if player ...
A tournament sequence is an increasing sequence of positive integers (t_1, t_2, ...) such that t_1=1 and t_(i+1)<=2t_i. Cook and Kleber (2000) show that Meeussen sequences ...
The tower of Hanoi (commonly also known as the "towers of Hanoi"), is a puzzle invented by E. Lucas in 1883. It is also known as the Tower of Brahma puzzle and appeared as an ...
Let H be a Hilbert space and (e_i)_(i in I) an orthonormal basis for H. The set of all products of two Hilbert-Schmidt operators is denoted N(H), and its elements are called ...
