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The n-hypercube graph, also called the n-cube graph and commonly denoted Q_n or 2^n, is the graph whose vertices are the 2^k symbols epsilon_1, ..., epsilon_n where ...
The Engel expansion, also called the Egyptian product, of a positive real number x is the unique increasing sequence {a_1,a_2,...} of positive integers a_i such that ...
For omega a differential (k-1)-form with compact support on an oriented k-dimensional manifold with boundary M, int_Mdomega=int_(partialM)omega, (1) where domega is the ...
The direct sum of modules A and B is the module A direct sum B={a direct sum b|a in A,b in B}, (1) where all algebraic operations are defined componentwise. In particular, ...
Let p run over all distinct primitive ordered periodic geodesics, and let tau(p) denote the positive length of p, then the Selberg zeta function is defined as ...
A transition function describes the difference in the way an object is described in two separate, overlapping coordinate charts, where the description of the same set may ...
Minkowski space is a four-dimensional space possessing a Minkowski metric, i.e., a metric tensor having the form dtau^2=-(dx^0)^2+(dx^1)^2+(dx^2)^2+(dx^3)^2. Alternatively ...
An nth-rank tensor in m-dimensional space is a mathematical object that has n indices and m^n components and obeys certain transformation rules. Each index of a tensor ranges ...
The geometric mean is smaller than the arithmetic mean, (product_(i=1)^Nn_i)^(1/N)<=(sum_(i=1)^(N)n_i)/N, with equality in the cases (1) N=1 or (2) n_i=n_j for all i,j.
