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Given a field F and an extension field K superset= F, an element alpha in K is called algebraic over F if it is a root of some nonzero polynomial with coefficients in F. ...
The term "Cartesian" is used to refer to anything that derives from René Descartes' conception of geometry (1637), which is based on the representation of points in the plane ...
The problem of finding the number of different ways in which a product of n different ordered factors can be calculated by pairs (i.e., the number of binary bracketings of n ...
A plane partition whose solid Ferrers diagram is invariant under the rotation which cyclically permutes the x-, y-, and z-axes. Macdonald's plane partition conjecture gives a ...
Darboux's formula is a theorem on the expansion of functions in infinite series and essentially consists of integration by parts on a specific integrand product of functions. ...
Let S be a semigroup and alpha a positive real-valued function on S such that alpha(st)<=alpha(s)alpha(t) (s,t in S). If l^1(S,alpha) is the set of all complex-valued ...
Division by zero is the operation of taking the quotient of any number x and 0, i.e., x/0. The uniqueness of division breaks down when dividing by zero, since the product ...
A univariate function f(x) is said to be even provided that f(x)=f(-x). Geometrically, such functions are symmetric about the y-axis. Examples of even functions include 1 ...
A generalized Vandermonde matrix of two sequences a and b where a is an increasing sequence of positive integers and b is an increasing sequence of nonnegative integers of ...
A group homomorphism is a map f:G->H between two groups such that the group operation is preserved:f(g_1g_2)=f(g_1)f(g_2) for all g_1,g_2 in G, where the product on the ...
