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When referring to a planar object, "free" means that the object is regarded as capable of being picked up out of the plane and flipped over. As a result, mirror images are ...
For a Galois extension field K of a field F, the fundamental theorem of Galois theory states that the subgroups of the Galois group G=Gal(K/F) correspond with the subfields ...
The generalized minimal residual (GMRES) method (Saad and Schultz 1986) is an extension of the minimal residual method (MINRES), which is only applicable to symmetric ...
Define psi(x)={1 0<=x<1/2; -1 1/2<x<=1; 0 otherwise (1) and psi_(jk)(x)=psi(2^jx-k) (2) for j a nonnegative integer and 0<=k<=2^j-1. So, for example, the first few values of ...
There are at least two distinct (though related) notions of the term Hilbert algebra in functional analysis. In some literature, a linear manifold A of a (not necessarily ...
For any two nonzero p-adic numbers a and b, the Hilbert symbol is defined as (a,b)={1 if z^2=ax^2+by^2 has a nonzero solution; -1 otherwise. (1) If the p-adic field is not ...
When two cycles have a transversal intersection X_1 intersection X_2=Y on a smooth manifold M, then Y is a cycle. Moreover, the homology class that Y represents depends only ...
The bifurcation of a fixed point to a limit cycle (Tabor 1989).
An identity is a mathematical relationship equating one quantity to another (which may initially appear to be different).
The invertible matrix theorem is a theorem in linear algebra which gives a series of equivalent conditions for an n×n square matrix A to have an inverse. In particular, A is ...
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