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The partitioning of a plane with n points into convex polygons such that each polygon contains exactly one generating point and every point in a given polygon is closer to ...
Watson (1939) considered the following three triple integrals, I_1 = 1/(pi^3)int_0^piint_0^piint_0^pi(dudvdw)/(1-cosucosvcosw) (1) = (4[K(1/2sqrt(2))]^2)/(pi^2) (2) = ...
Wavelets are a class of a functions used to localize a given function in both space and scaling. A family of wavelets can be constructed from a function psi(x), sometimes ...
The Wiener-Araya graph (Wiener and Araya 2009) is the 42-vertex graph illustrated above that was the smallest known example of a planar hypohamiltonian graph, beating the ...
Given a pick-7 lottery with 23 numbers that pays a prize to anyone matching at least 4 of the 7 numbers, there is a set of 253 tickets that guarantees a win. This set ...
Five or six Wolf prizes are awarded yearly to outstanding living scientists and artists for achievements in the interest of mankind and friendly relations among peoples. In ...
The wreath graph W(n,k) is the graph obtained by taking n collections of k nodes and arranging around a circle such that all nodes in adjacent collections are connected. ...
The Zermelo-Fraenkel axioms are the basis for Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory. In the following (Jech 1997, p. 1), exists stands for exists, forall means for all, in stands for ...
The nth k-statistic k_n is the unique symmetric unbiased estimator of the cumulant kappa_n of a given statistical distribution, i.e., k_n is defined so that <k_n>=kappa_n, ...
Let G be a group, and let S subset= G be a set of group elements such that the identity element I not in S. The Cayley graph associated with (G,S) is then defined as the ...
