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If a proposition P is true for all B, this is written P forall B. forall is one of the two so-called quantifiers, and translates the universal quantifier forall . The Wolfram ...
Deck transformations, also called covering transformations, are defined for any cover p:A->X. They act on A by homeomorphisms which preserve the projection p. Deck ...
The term used in propositional calculus for the NAND connective. The notation A|B is used for this connective, a most unfortunate choice in light of modern usage of A|B or ...
A catastrophe which can occur for three control factors and two behavior axes. The hyperbolic umbilic is the universal unfolding of the function germ f(x,y)=x^3+y^3. The ...
One of the operations exists exists (called the existential quantifier) or for all forall (called the universal quantifier, or sometimes, the general quantifier). However, ...
Let A and B be two algebras over the same signature Sigma, with carriers A and B, respectively (cf. universal algebra). B is a subalgebra of A if B subset= A and every ...
In predicate calculus, an existential formula is a prenex normal form formula (i.e., a formula written as a string of quantifiers and bound variables followed by a ...
A variety is a class of algebras that is closed under homomorphisms, subalgebras, and direct products. Examples include the variety of groups, the variety of rings, the ...
A Chaitin's constant, also called a Chaitin omega number, introduced by Chaitin (1975), is the halting probability of a universal prefix-free (self-delimiting) Turing ...
The game of life is the best-known two-dimensional cellular automaton, invented by John H. Conway and popularized in Martin Gardner's Scientific American column starting in ...
