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Let X be a set of v>=3 elements together with a set B of 3-subset (triples) of X such that every 2-subset of X occurs in exactly one triple of B. Then B is called a Steiner ...
Wang's conjecture states that if a set of tiles can tile the plane, then they can always be arranged to do so periodically (Wang 1961). The conjecture was refuted when Berger ...
The digits in the number 2187 form the two vampire numbers: 21×87=1827 and 2187=27×81. 2187 is also given by 3^7.
A theorem which asserts that if a sequence or function behaves regularly, then some average of it behaves regularly. For example, A(x)∼x implies A_1(x)=int_0^xA(t)dt∼1/2x^2 ...
A convex body in Euclidean space that is centrally symmetric with center at the origin is determined among all such bodies by its brightness function (the volume of each ...
The algebraics, sometimes denoted A (Derbyshire 2004, p. 173), are the set of algebraic numbers. The set of algebraic numbers is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
1. A fixed polyomino. 2. The set of points obtained by taking the centers of a fixed polyomino.
A Banach space X has the approximation property (AP) if, for every epsilon>0 and each compact subset K of X, there is a finite rank operator T in X such that for each x in K, ...
Let {A_n}_(n=0)^infty be a sequence of events occurring with a certain probability distribution, and let A be the event consisting of the occurrence of a finite number of ...
If the total group of the canonical series is divided into two parts, the difference between the number of points in each part and the double of the dimension of the complete ...
