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A polygonal diagonal is a line segment connecting two nonadjacent polygon vertices of a polygon. The number of ways a fixed convex n-gon can be divided into triangles by ...
The problem of finding the mean triangle area of a triangle with vertices picked inside a triangle with unit area was proposed by Watson (1865) and solved by Sylvester. It ...
A solution to a problem that can be written in "closed form" in terms of known functions, constants, etc., is often called an analytic solution. Note that this use of the ...
As used in physics, the term "exact" generally refers to a solution that captures the entire physics and mathematics of a problem as opposed to one that is approximate, ...
The discontinuous solution of the surface of revolution area minimization problem for surfaces connecting two circles. When the circles are sufficiently far apart, the usual ...
The branch of algebraic topology which deals with homotopy groups. Homotopy methods can be used to solve systems of polynomials by embedding the polynomials in a family of ...
A Z-number is a real number xi such that 0<=frac[(3/2)^kxi]<1/2 for all k=1, 2, ..., where frac(x) is the fractional part of x. Mahler (1968) showed that there is at most one ...
The curve formed by the intersection of a cylinder and a sphere is known as Viviani's curve. The problem of finding the lateral surface area of a cylinder of radius r ...
Minkowski's conjecture states that every lattice tiling of R^n by unit hypercubes contains two hypercubes that meet in an (n-1)-dimensional face. Minkowski first considered ...
A uniquely pancyclic graph is a graph that has exactly one cycle of each length between 3 and the graph's vertex count. Uniquely pancyclic graphs are therefore a special case ...
