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1451 - 1460 of 1538 for traveling salesman problemSearch Results

A surface of revolution is a surface generated by rotating a two-dimensional curve about an axis. The resulting surface therefore always has azimuthal symmetry. Examples of ...
The symmetric group S_n of degree n is the group of all permutations on n symbols. S_n is therefore a permutation group of order n! and contains as subgroups every group of ...
The Taniyama-Shimura conjecture, since its proof now sometimes known as the modularity theorem, is very general and important conjecture (and now theorem) connecting topology ...
Theodorus's constant sqrt(3) has decimal expansion sqrt(3)=1.732050807... (OEIS A002194). It was computed to 10^(10) decimal digits by E. Weisstein on Jul. 23, 2013. The ...
The game of tic-tac-toe, also spelled ticktacktoe and also known as 3-in-a-row or "naughts and crosses," is a game in which players alternate placing pieces (typically Xs for ...
A plane-filling arrangement of plane figures or its generalization to higher dimensions. Formally, a tiling is a collection of disjoint open sets, the closures of which cover ...
A complete oriented graph (Skiena 1990, p. 175), i.e., a graph in which every pair of nodes is connected by a single uniquely directed edge. The first and second 3-node ...
A Turán graph, sometimes called a maximally saturated graph (Zykov 1952, Chao and Novacky 1982), with positive integer parameters n and k is a type of extremal graph on n ...
Tutte's (46-vertex) graph is a cubic nonhamiltonian graph contructed by Tutte (1946) as a counterexample to Tait's Hamiltonian graph conjecture by using three copies ...
A Turing machine which, by appropriate programming using a finite length of input tape, can act as any Turing machine whatsoever. In his seminal paper, Turing himself gave ...
