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Differential entropy differs from normal or absolute entropy in that the random variable need not be discrete. Given a continuous random variable X with a probability density ...
A set S is discrete in a larger topological space X if every point x in S has a neighborhood U such that S intersection U={x}. The points of S are then said to be isolated ...
The divergence theorem, more commonly known especially in older literature as Gauss's theorem (e.g., Arfken 1985) and also known as the Gauss-Ostrogradsky theorem, is a ...
Taking the ratio x/y of two numbers x and y, also written x÷y. Here, x is called the dividend, y is called the divisor, and x/y is called a quotient. The symbol "/" is called ...
The Doro graph is a distance-transitive and Distance-Regular Graph on 68 vertices and with valency 12. It is the unique automorphic graph having intersection array ...
A family of functors H_n(·) from the category of pairs of topological spaces and continuous maps, to the category of Abelian groups and group homomorphisms satisfies the ...
The group of an elliptic curve which has been transformed to the form y^2=x^3+ax+b is the set of K-rational points, including the single point at infinity. The group law ...
The term "Euler function" may be used to refer to any of several functions in number theory and the theory of special functions, including 1. the totient function phi(n), ...
An exact sequence is a sequence of maps alpha_i:A_i->A_(i+1) (1) between a sequence of spaces A_i, which satisfies Im(alpha_i)=Ker(alpha_(i+1)), (2) where Im denotes the ...
Given a field F and an extension field K superset= F, if alpha in K is an algebraic element over F, the minimal polynomial of alpha over F is the unique monic irreducible ...