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521 - 530 of 778 for time measureSearch Results
In physics, the word entropy has important physical implications as the amount of "disorder" of a system. In mathematics, a more abstract definition is used. The (Shannon) ...
Fisher's exact test is a statistical test used to determine if there are nonrandom associations between two categorical variables. Let there exist two such variables X and Y, ...
A map u:M->N, between two compact Riemannian manifolds, is a harmonic map if it is a critical point for the energy functional int_M|du|^2dmu_M. The norm of the differential ...
There are two distinct entities both known as the Lagrange number. The more common one arises in rational approximation theory (Conway and Guy 1996), while the other refers ...
Lehmer's totient problem asks if there exist any composite numbers n such that phi(n)|(n-1), where phi(n) is the totient function? No such numbers are known. However, any ...
The Markov numbers m are the union of the solutions (x,y,z) to the Markov equation x^2+y^2+z^2=3xyz, (1) and are related to Lagrange numbers L_n by L_n=sqrt(9-4/(m^2)). (2) ...
Noncommutative topology is a recent program having important and deep applications in several branches of mathematics and mathematical physics. Because every commutative ...
A pair of elements (p_i,p_j) is called an inversion in a permutation p if i>j and p_i<p_j (Skiena 1990, p. 27; Pemmaraju and Skiena 2003, p. 69). For example, in the ...
Let G be a Lie group and let rho be a group representation of G on C^n (for some natural number n), which is continuous in the sense that the function G×C^n->C^n defined by ...
The limiting rabbit sequence written as a binary fraction 0.1011010110110..._2 (OEIS A005614), where b_2 denotes a binary number (a number in base-2). The decimal value is ...
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