Noncommutative topology is a recent program having important and deep applications in several branches of mathematics and mathematical physics. Because every commutative
is the space of maximal ideals of
(this is the so-called Gelfand theorem) and because an algebraic
isomorphism between
induces a homeomorphism between
-algebraic theory may be regarded as a noncommutative analogue
of the algebra of continuous functions vanishing at infinity on a locally compact
T2-space. In other words, every property of a locally
compact T2-space
can be formulated in terms of a "Gelfand dual" property
and then it will probably be true for any noncommutative
The following is a list of some such Gelfand dualities (Wegge-Olsen 1993, Moslehian 2002):
topological language | |
locally compact T2-space | C-*-algebra |
triangulation or the structure of an affine algebraic variety or manifold | system of generators and relations |
Stone space | |
sub-Stonean space | |
second countable space | projectionless |
Tychonoff product topology | spatial tensor product |
proper map | |
homeomorphism | automorphism |
Radon measure | positive linear functional |
compact space | unital |
compactification | unitization |
one-point compactification | minimal unitization |
Stone-Cech compactification | maximal unitization (multiplier algebra) |
open subset | ideal |
closed subset | quotient |
clopen | ideal with unit |
open dense | essential ideal |
complement of singleton | maximal ideal (prime ideal) |
discrete | maximal ideals being principal |
isolated point | minimal ideal |
retract closed subspace | complemented ideal |