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For a given signal, the power spectrum gives a plot of the portion of a signal's power (energy per unit time) falling within given frequency bins. The most common way of ...
Rational numbers are countable, so an order can be placed on them just like the natural numbers. Although such an ordering is not obvious (nor unique), one such ordering can ...
A Lie algebra g is solvable when its Lie algebra commutator series, or derived series, g^k vanishes for some k. Any nilpotent Lie algebra is solvable. The basic example is ...
A modified Miller's primality test which gives a guarantee of primality or compositeness. The algorithm's running time for a number n has been proved to be as ...
A braid with M strands and R components with P positive crossings and N negative crossings satisfies |P-N|<=2U+M-R<=P+N, where U is the unknotting number. While the second ...
A means of describing how one state develops into another state over the course of time. Technically, a dynamical system is a smooth action of the reals or the integers on ...
The first example discovered of a map from a higher-dimensional sphere to a lower-dimensional sphere which is not null-homotopic. Its discovery was a shock to the ...
The Johnson circumconic, a term used here for the first time, is the circumconic that passes through the vertices of both the reference triangle and the Johnson triangle. It ...
The network flow problem considers a graph G with a set of sources S and sinks T and for which each edge has an assigned capacity (weight), and then asks to find the maximum ...
A piecewise polynomial function that can have a locally very simple form, yet at the same time be globally flexible and smooth. Splines are very useful for modeling arbitrary ...
