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971 - 980 of 4757 for thethao saigongiaiphong ? Results
Let P, Q be integers satisfying D=P^2-4Q>0. (1) Then roots of x^2-Px+Q=0 (2) are a = 1/2(P+sqrt(D)) (3) b = 1/2(P-sqrt(D)), (4) so a+b = P (5) ab = 1/4(P^2-D) (6) = Q (7) a-b ...
There are several types of numbers that are commonly termed "lucky numbers." The first is the lucky numbers of Euler. The second is obtained by writing out all odd numbers: ...
The Mercator projection is a map projection that was widely used for navigation since loxodromes are straight lines (although great circles are curved). The following ...
For n a positive integer, expressions of the form sin(nx), cos(nx), and tan(nx) can be expressed in terms of sinx and cosx only using the Euler formula and binomial theorem. ...
The geodesic on an oblate spheroid can be computed analytically, although the resulting expression is much more unwieldy than for a simple sphere. A spheroid with equatorial ...
A n×n matrix A is an orthogonal matrix if AA^(T)=I, (1) where A^(T) is the transpose of A and I is the identity matrix. In particular, an orthogonal matrix is always ...
The pentagonal hexecontahedron is the 60-faced dual polyhedron of the snub dodecahedron A_8 (Holden 1971, p. 55). It is Wenninger dual W_(18). A tetrahedron 10-compound, cube ...
The numbers of positive definite n×n matrices of given types are summarized in the following table. For example, the three positive eigenvalues 2×2 (0,1)-matrices are [1 0; 0 ...
The probability density function (PDF) P(x) of a continuous distribution is defined as the derivative of the (cumulative) distribution function D(x), D^'(x) = ...
The wave equation in prolate spheroidal coordinates is del ...
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