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451 - 460 of 4757 for thethao saigongiaiphong ? Results
A Pascal's triangle written in a square grid and padded with zeros, as written by Jakob Bernoulli (Smith 1984). The figurate number triangle therefore has entries a_(ij)=(i; ...
By analogy with the divisor function sigma_1(n), let pi(n)=product_(d|n)d (1) denote the product of the divisors d of n (including n itself). For n=1, 2, ..., the first few ...
A beautiful approximation to the Euler-Mascheroni constant gamma is given by pi/(2e)=0.57786367... (1) (OEIS A086056; E. W. Weisstein, Apr. 18, 2006), which is good to three ...
The Parts graphs are a set of unit-distance graphs with chromatic number five derived by Jaan Parts in 2019-2020 (Parts 2020a). They provide some of the smallest known ...
The Pell numbers are the numbers obtained by the U_ns in the Lucas sequence with P=2 and Q=-1. They correspond to the Pell polynomial P_n(x) and Fibonacci polynomial F_n(x) ...
Schmidt (1993) proposed the problem of determining if for any integer r>=2, the sequence of numbers {c_k^((r))}_(k=1)^infty defined by the binomial sums sum_(k=0)^n(n; ...
Sexy primes are pairs of primes of the form (p, p+6), so-named since "sex" is the Latin word for "six.". The first few sexy prime pairs are (5, 11), (7, 13), (11, 17), (13, ...
A Sierpiński number of the first kind is a number of the form S_n=n^n+1. The first few are 2, 5, 28, 257, 3126, 46657, 823544, 16777217, ... (OEIS A014566). Sierpiński proved ...
The constant e with decimal expansion e=2.718281828459045235360287471352662497757... (OEIS A001113) can be computed to 10^9 digits of precision in 10 CPU-minutes on modern ...
Define the notation [n]f_0=f_(-(n-1)/2)+...+f_0+...+f_((n-1)/2) (1) and let delta be the central difference, so delta^2f_0=f_1-2f_0+f_(-1). (2) Spencer's 21-term moving ...
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