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3731 - 3740 of 4757 for thethao saigongiaiphong ? Results
Let there be m doctors and n<=m patients, and let all mn possible combinations of examinations of patients by doctors take place. Then what is the minimum number of surgical ...
A plane path on a set of equally spaced lattice points, starting at the origin, where the first step is one unit to the north or south, the second step is two units to the ...
The Gömböc (meaning "sphere-like" in Hungarian) is the name given to a class of convex solids which possess a unique stable and a unique unstable point of equilibrium. ...
The Gosset graph is a 27-regular graph on 56 vertices which is the skeleton of the Gosset polytope 3_(21). It is a distance-regular graph with intersection array ...
The polynomials G_n(x;a,b) given by the associated Sheffer sequence with f(t)=e^(at)(e^(bt)-1), (1) where b!=0. The inverse function (and therefore generating function) ...
Let theta(t) be the Riemann-Siegel function. The unique value g_n such that theta(g_n)=pin (1) where n=0, 1, ... is then known as a Gram point (Edwards 2001, pp. 125-126). An ...
The center of a graph G is the set of vertices of graph eccentricity equal to the graph radius (i.e., the set of central points). In the above illustration, center nodes are ...
The graph diameter of a graph is the length max_(u,v)d(u,v) of the "longest shortest path" (i.e., the longest graph geodesic) between any two graph vertices (u,v), where ...
A shortest path between two graph vertices (u,v) of a graph (Skiena 1990, p. 225). There may be more than one different shortest paths, all of the same length. Graph ...
The graph strong product, also known as the graph AND product or graph normal product, is a graph product variously denoted G□AdjustmentBox[x, BoxMargins -> {{-0.65, ...
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