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An Abelian differential is an analytic or meromorphic differential on a compact or closed Riemann surface.
An abnormal number is a hypothetical number which can be factored into primes in more than one way. Hardy and Wright (1979) prove the fundamental theorem of arithmetic by ...
The number of data points which fall within a given class in a frequency distribution.
A sequence of random variates X_0, X_1, ... is called absolutely fair if for n=1, 2, ..., <X_1>=0 and <X_(n+1)|X_1,...,X_n>=0 (Feller 1971, p. 210).
The degree to which a given quantity is correct and free from error. For example, a quantity specified as 100+/-1 has an (absolute) accuracy of +/-1 (meaning its true value ...
Let M(X) denote the group of all invertible maps X->X and let G be any group. A homomorphism theta:G->M(X) is called an action of G on X. Therefore, theta satisfies 1. For ...
The restricted topological group direct product of the group G_(k_nu) with distinct invariant open subgroups G_(0_nu).
In a graph G, two graph vertices are adjacent if they are joined by a graph edge.
In the archaic terminology of Whittaker and Watson (1990), the complex number z representing x+iy.
A map projection. The inverse equations for phi are computed by iteration. Let the angle of the projection plane be theta_b. Define a={0 for theta_b=1/2pi; ...
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