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1211 - 1220 of 4757 for thethao saigongiaiphong ? Results
The Rudvalis group is the sporadic group Ru of order |Ru| = 145926144000 (1) = 2^(14)·3^3·5^3·7·13·29. (2) It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as RudvalisGroupRu[].
Let the residue from Pépin's theorem be R_n=3^((F_n-1)/2) (mod F_n), where F_n is a Fermat number. Selfridge and Hurwitz use R_n (mod 2^(35)-1,2^(36),2^(36)-1). A ...
If M^n is a finite simplicial complex of dimension n>=5 that has the homotopy type of the sphere S^n and is locally piecewise linearly homeomorphic to the Euclidean space ...
The Thompson group is the sporadic group Th of order |Th| = 90745943887872000 (1) = 2^(15)·3^(10)·5^3·7^2·13·19·31. (2) It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
f(x)=1-2x^2 for x in [-1,1]. Fixed points occur at x=-1, 1/2, and order 2 fixed points at x=(1+/-sqrt(5))/4. The natural invariant of the map is rho(y)=1/(pisqrt(1-y^2)).
A magic square for which the number of letters in the word for each number generates another magic square. This definition depends, of course, on the language being used. In ...
A Tschirnhausen transformation can be used to algebraically transform a general quintic equation to the form z^5+c_1z+c_0=0. (1) In practice, the general quintic is first ...
The complex lattice Lambda_6^omega corresponding to real lattice K_(12) having the densest hypersphere packing (kissing number) in twelve dimensions. The associated ...
The Desargues graph is the cubic symmetric graph on 20 vertices and 30 edges illustrated above in several embeddings. It is isomorphic to the generalized Petersen graph ...
Nice approximations for the golden ratio phi are given by phi approx sqrt((5pi)/6) (1) approx (7pi)/(5e), (2) the last of which is due to W. van Doorn (pers. comm., Jul. 18, ...
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