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For every positive integer n, there is a unique finite sequence of distinct nonconsecutive (not necessarily positive) integers k_1, ..., k_m such that ...
A pi-prime is a prime number appearing in the decimal expansion of pi. The known examples are 3, 31, 314159, 31415926535897932384626433832795028841, ... (OEIS A005042). The ...
Every nonconstant entire function attains every complex value with at most one exception (Henrici 1988, p. 216; Apostol 1997). Furthermore, every analytic function assumes ...
A Pierpont prime is a prime number of the form p=2^k·3^l+1. The first few Pierpont primes are 2, 3, 5, 7, 13, 17, 19, 37, 73, 97, 109, 163, 193, 257, 433, 487, 577, 769, ... ...
The sequence of Fibonacci numbers {F_n} is periodic modulo any modulus m (Wall 1960), and the period (mod m) is the known as the Pisano period pi(m) (Wrench 1969). For m=1, ...
A pivotal isogonal cubic is a self-isogonal cubic that possesses a pivot point, i.e., in which points P lying on the conic and their isogonal conjugates are collinear with a ...
A space-filling function which maps a one-dimensional interval into a two-dimensional area. Plane-filling functions were thought to be impossible until Hilbert discovered the ...
Two planes always intersect in a line as long as they are not parallel. Let the planes be specified in Hessian normal form, then the line of intersection must be ...
The problem in calculus of variations to find the minimal surface of a boundary with specified constraints (usually having no singularities on the surface). In general, there ...
A polyhedral graph corresponding to the skeleton of a Platonic solid. The five platonic graphs, the tetrahedral graph, cubical graph, octahedral graph, dodecahedral graph, ...