Search Results for "spherical aberration"
341 - 350 of 374 for spherical aberrationSearch Results

An ordinary differential equation (frequently called an "ODE," "diff eq," or "diffy Q") is an equality involving a function and its derivatives. An ODE of order n is an ...
There are four varieties of Airy functions: Ai(z), Bi(z), Gi(z), and Hi(z). Of these, Ai(z) and Bi(z) are by far the most common, with Gi(z) and Hi(z) being encountered much ...
A modified set of Chebyshev polynomials defined by a slightly different generating function. They arise in the development of four-dimensional spherical harmonics in angular ...
The self-intersection of a one-sided surface. The word "cross-cap" is sometimes also written without the hyphen as the single word "crosscap." The cross-cap can be thought of ...
Cylindrical coordinates are a generalization of two-dimensional polar coordinates to three dimensions by superposing a height (z) axis. Unfortunately, there are a number of ...
The delta function is a generalized function that can be defined as the limit of a class of delta sequences. The delta function is sometimes called "Dirac's delta function" ...
The Dottie number is the name given by Kaplan (2007) to the unique real root of cosx=x (namely, the unique real fixed point of the cosine function), which is 0.739085... ...
A double bubble is pair of bubbles which intersect and are separated by a membrane bounded by the intersection. The usual double bubble is illustrated in the left figure ...
The general ellipsoid, also called a triaxial ellipsoid, is a quadratic surface which is given in Cartesian coordinates by (x^2)/(a^2)+(y^2)/(b^2)+(z^2)/(c^2)=1, (1) where ...
The generalized Petersen graph GP(n,k), also denoted P(n,k) (Biggs 1993, p. 119; Pemmaraju and Skiena 2003, p. 215), for n>=3 and 1<=k<=|_(n-1)/2_| is a connected cubic graph ...