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201 - 210 of 982 for single-photon emission computed tomograp...Search Results
The transitive closure of a binary relation R on a set X is the minimal transitive relation R^' on X that contains R. Thus aR^'b for any elements a and b of X provided that ...
The union of two sets A and B is the set obtained by combining the members of each. This is written A union B, and is pronounced "A union B" or "A cup B." The union of sets ...
An unordered pair representation is a representation of an undirected graph in which edges are specified as unordered pairs of vertex indices. The unordered pairs ...
A vertex-induced subgraph (sometimes simply called an "induced subgraph") is a subset of the vertices of a graph G together with any edges whose endpoints are both in this ...
A transform which localizes a function both in space and scaling and has some desirable properties compared to the Fourier transform. The transform is based on a wavelet ...
On July 10, 2003, Eric Weisstein computed the numbers of n×n (0,1)-matrices all of whose eigenvalues are real and positive, obtaining counts for n=1, 2, ... of 1, 3, 25, 543, ...
A function that can be defined as a Dirichlet series, i.e., is computed as an infinite sum of powers, F(n)=sum_(k=1)^infty[f(k)]^n, where f(k) can be interpreted as the set ...
The constants C_n defined by C_n=[int_0^infty|d/(dt)((sint)/t)^n|dt]-1. (1) These constants can also be written as the sums C_n=2sum_(k=1)^infty(1+x_k^2)^(-n/2), (2) and ...
Any nonzero rational number x can be represented by x=(p^ar)/s, (1) where p is a prime number, r and s are integers not divisible by p, and a is a unique integer. The p-adic ...
The Cauchy principal value of a finite integral of a function f about a point c with a<=c<=b is given by ...
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