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The symbol used to separate the integer part of a decimal number from its fractional part is called the decimal point. In the United States, the decimal point is denoted with ...
The discrete uniform distribution is also known as the "equally likely outcomes" distribution. Letting a set S have N elements, each of them having the same probability, then ...
The divergence theorem, more commonly known especially in older literature as Gauss's theorem (e.g., Arfken 1985) and also known as the Gauss-Ostrogradsky theorem, is a ...
An edge cover is a subset of edges defined similarly to the vertex cover (Skiena 1990, p. 219), namely a collection of graph edges such that the union of edge endpoints ...
A surface S is n-embeddable if it can be placed in R^n-space without self-intersections, but cannot be similarly placed in any R^k for k<n. A surface so embedded is said to ...
An object is unique if there is no other object satisfying its defining properties. An object is said to be essentially unique if uniqueness is only referred to the ...
An exact sequence is a sequence of maps alpha_i:A_i->A_(i+1) (1) between a sequence of spaces A_i, which satisfies Im(alpha_i)=Ker(alpha_(i+1)), (2) where Im denotes the ...
Define A^' to be the point (other than the polygon vertex A) where the triangle median through A meets the circumcircle of ABC, and define B^' and C^' similarly. Then the ...
The exterior derivative of a function f is the one-form df=sum_(i)(partialf)/(partialx_i)dx_i (1) written in a coordinate chart (x_1,...,x_n). Thinking of a function as a ...
A fallacy is an incorrect result arrived at by apparently correct, though actually specious reasoning. The great Greek geometer Euclid wrote an entire book on geometric ...
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