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Given a reference triangle DeltaABC, the trilinear coordinates of a point P with respect to DeltaABC are an ordered triple of numbers, each of which is proportional to the ...
A zerofree number n is called right truncatable if n and all numbers obtained by successively removing the rightmost digits are prime. There are exactly 83 right truncatable ...
A Turing machine is a theoretical computing machine invented by Alan Turing (1937) to serve as an idealized model for mathematical calculation. A Turing machine consists of a ...
Yahtzee is a game played with five 6-sided dice. Players take turns rolling the dice, and trying to get certain types of rolls, each with an assigned point value, as ...
Consider any star of n line segments through one point in space such that no three lines are coplanar. Then there exists a polyhedron, known as a zonohedron, whose faces ...
There are many formulas of pi of many types. Among others, these include series, products, geometric constructions, limits, special values, and pi iterations. pi is ...
The golden ratio, also known as the divine proportion, golden mean, or golden section, is a number often encountered when taking the ratios of distances in simple geometric ...
The number of representations of n by k squares, allowing zeros and distinguishing signs and order, is denoted r_k(n). The special case k=2 corresponding to two squares is ...
The "15 puzzle" is a sliding square puzzle commonly (but incorrectly) attributed to Sam Loyd. However, research by Slocum and Sonneveld (2006) has revealed that Sam Loyd did ...
The Bessel functions of the first kind J_n(x) are defined as the solutions to the Bessel differential equation x^2(d^2y)/(dx^2)+x(dy)/(dx)+(x^2-n^2)y=0 (1) which are ...
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