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Engineering notation is a version of scientific notation in which the exponent p in expressions of the form a×10^p is chosen to always be divisible by 3. Numbers of forms ...
Kakutani's fixed point theorem is a result in functional analysis which establishes the existence of a common fixed point among a collection of maps defined on certain ...
A quantity used to test nested hypotheses. Let H^' be a nested hypothesis with n^' degrees of freedom within H (which has n degrees of freedom), then calculate the maximum ...
A permutation of n distinct, ordered items in which none of the items is in its original ordered position is known as a derangement. If some, but not necessarily all, of the ...
The probability Q_delta that a random sample from an infinite normally distributed universe will have a mean m within a distance |delta| of the mean mu of the universe is ...
When a number is expressed in scientific notation, the number of significant digits (or significant figures) is the number of digits needed to express the number to within ...
An abstract machine is a model of a computer system (considered either as hardware or software) constructed to allow a detailed and precise analysis of how the computer ...
A subset F subset R of the real numbers is said to be an F_sigma set provided F is the countable union of closed sets. The name F_sigma comes from French: The F stands for ...
A subset G subset R of the real numbers is said to be a G_delta set provided G is the countable intersection of open sets. The name G_delta comes from German: The G stands ...
Quantization is a nonlinear process which generates additional frequency components (Thompson et al. 1986). This means that the signal is no longer band-limited, so the ...
