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If A is a class of recursively enumerable sets, then the set of Gödel numbers of functions whose domains belong to A is called its index set. If the index set of A is a ...
It is possible to describe a set of positive integers that cannot be listed in a book containing a set of counting numbers on each consecutively numbered page. Another form ...
The consideration of the result of a numerical calculation as a function of an adjustable parameter (usually the step size). The function can then be fitted and evaluated at ...
Let R be the class of expressions generated by 1. The rational numbers and the two real numbers pi and ln2, 2. The variable x, 3. The operations of addition, multiplication, ...
Riddell's formula for unlabeled graphs is the Euler transform relating the number of unlabeled connected graphs on n nodes satisfying some property with the corresponding ...
A variation of the method of false position for finding roots which fits the function in question with an exponential.
The operator of fractional integration is defined as _aD_t^(-nu)f(t)=1/(Gamma(nu))int_a^tf(u)(t-u)^(nu-1)du for nu>0 with _aD_t^0f(t)=f(t) (Oldham and Spanier 1974, Miller ...
The Riemann-Siegel integral formula is the following representation of the xi-function xi(s) found in Riemann's Nachlass by Bessel-Hagen in 1926 (Siegel 1932; Edwards 2001, ...
The differential equation where alpha+alpha^'+beta+beta^'+gamma+gamma^'=1, first obtained in the form by Papperitz (1885; Barnes 1908). Solutions are Riemann P-series ...
The solutions to the Riemann P-differential equation are known as the Riemann P-series, or sometimes the Riemann P-function, given by u(z)=P{a b c; alpha beta gamma; alpha^' ...
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